Reactions from Military
- Reactions from Military "Mixed" (from Stars and Stripes, 12/19/2010) --but the content of article belies the title: most servicemembers are indifferent or positive, w/ a few apprehensive
- News: "Military Will Write the Rules on DADT Repeal", WaPo 12/20/2010
- Marine Commander John Amos
- Richard Cohen, "Marine Corps Commandant Must Go," Washington Post, Dec 20, 2010 (in which he takes Marine Corps commander John Amos to task for the homophobic misconceptions about gay soldiers in his testimony to Senate)
- Reactions to this type of critique from the Right: "typical Left Wing intolerance/hypocrisy--differences of opinion are not OK!"
- American Spectator, "DADT and Hard Empirical Evidence", John Guardino, Dec 20 2010 (in which troops are compared to sex-obsessed high schoolers and Marines are presumed to be at the mercy of the advances of flaunty gays)
- I hear this a lot in the commentariat... as if repeal were about Gays flaunting, as opposed to being about Gays being held to SAME standards as straight soldiers AND not being fired for their sexual orientation and home life.
- Political Cartoon, 12/20/2010
Other News/Notes
- Harvard U welcomes ROTC back to campus (12/21/10)
- Religious Right to "punish" Senators who voted for DADT repeal (Alternet, 12/21/2010)
- "Bring the Pain": Turning on Scott Brown--even mocking his military service. ( cites Mass. Family Institute as "going to bat" for Brown in Jan 2010, calls the left the "homoerotic left") (by Don Feder, 12/22/2010)