http://bit.ly/UI_Stims_econ - Pelosi is right, Unemployment Benes stim economy (economists agree)
http://bit.ly/CEOPay_and_Layoffs - High CEO salaries in companies with deepest layoffs
http://bit.ly/IndependentsNot editorial on same study as above
The Deficit! The Deficit!
http://bit.ly/Obama_Stim_Bush_Deficits (Jun 2010) CBPP (ref'd by Clusterstock: http://bit.ly/Bushs_Fault )
http://bit.ly/Selective_Deficit_Disorder - spending that helps ppl is what makes them mad
http://bit.ly/Bush_Economists_on_Tax_Cuts (Bush economists say Bush Tax Cuts DID grow deficit. July 2010. Atlantic)
http://nyti.ms/What_GOP_Wants_Krugman (Jul '10: The GOP flipflops on Deficit spending)
http://bit.ly/What_Drives_the_Deficit_CBP (Jul 10: Bush tax cuts the lion's share of future deficits)
http://bit.ly/CBO_AusterityNow_No - CBO head says Stim Now not at odds with deficit reduction
http://bit.ly/VoodooEconomics_GHWBush - R Maddow, GHW Bush and voodoo economics: tax cuts do'nt pay for themselves
"Clinton didn't balance budget--Republican Congress Did"
http://bit.ly/Earmarks_in_Context_Nov2010 - Earmarks won't make a dent
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTjSHKuOHds - Maddow clips: GOP using Stim $ for JOBS JOBS JOBS 2010
Big Government!
http://wapo.st/Myths_FedWorkforce - 5 myths abt "bloated" federal workforce (Dec 2010)
The Stimulus
http://bit.ly/Study_Stim_Ended_Recession - Princeton Econ prof and Moody economist: stim avoided fin disaster (jul10)
http://nyti.ms/Stim_Averts_Econ_Disaster - NYT, Jul '10: 2 economists study: stim helped avoid financial disaster (report on the above)
http://nyti.ms/Stim_Opponents_Check_Context_Krugman - Krugman laments the state of economist profession (Jul 10)
http://bit.ly/Outline_Stim_Deficit_Debate_EK - summary of Deficit / Stimulus / Debt debate (Ezra Klein)
http://bit.ly/CBO_AusterityNow_No - CBO head says Stim Now not at odds with deficit reduction
http://bit.ly/TopEconomists_Stim_DB Daily Beast: TOP ECONOMISTS call for stimulus; no to "austerity" now Jul 2010
http://mediamatters.org/columns/200902060025 - Stimulus is Spending, Spending is Stimulus (good overview, MMFA)
http://bit.ly/CBO_TaxCuts_Unemployment_2010-11 - CBO: tax cuts don't create jobs. (See page 18). Unemployment benefits MOST stimulative--tax cuts LEAST stimulative.
http://bit.ly/JobCreationGraph_Oct2010 - See trend of job creation, thru Oct 2010 (Dems do better)
http://bit.ly/CEOPay_and_Layoffs - High CEO salaries in companies with deepest layoffs
http://bit.ly/LackofDemandStupid - DEMAND--not rich tax cuts--create jobs. More stimulus.
http://bit.ly/BizDontCreateJobs - Businesses Don't Create Jobs -- DEMAND does
http://www.inthesetimes.org/working/entry/6726/why_tax_cuts_dontand_wontcreate_jobs/ = tax cuts don't create jobs
http://bit.ly/CorpJobs_Overseas - Corporations add more jobs overseas than they cut here!
http://bit.ly/Obama_Saved_Economy_WSJ_jun2010 (TARP good)
http://bit.ly/DerivativesExplained_EK - Ezra Klein tries to explain derivatives
Obama's Raising My taxes
MA: http://bit.ly/Obama_Cuts_Taxes_for_Most_Working_Families_2009_MA
http://bit.ly/Taxes_Lowest_in_60yrs (Apr 2010)
50% of the Country Doesn't Pay Taxes!
http://bit.ly/Do_Poor_Really_Not_Pay_Taxes (Ezra Klein)
http://bit.ly/The_Rich_Pay_More_Because_They_Have_More (Media Matters)
http://nyti.ms/Douthat_ClassWarfare (Ross Douthat agrees: Corporations, the rich get welfare!)
Wealth Inequality
http://bit.ly/Wealth_Redistribution (income gap >tripled in 30 years)
http://bit.ly/Increasing_Wealth_Concentration (see graphs at end)
http://bit.ly/Rich_Own_More_Recession_Reich (Rich controlling more of $$$ makes recession)
http://bit.ly/CEOPay_and_Layoffs - High CEO salaries in companies with deepest layoffs
http://bit.ly/TheWealthyPoor - On People's Perceptions abt Wealth Equality in America (link to Harv/Duke study) Atlantic, 2010
http://bit.ly/WealthEquality_Study_Perceptions - Duke/HBS study on ppl's ideas of what wealth equality IS, and what it SHOULD be. Fascinating.
http://huff.to/FactsFigures_IncomeInequality -Huffpo Rant with LOTS Of good graphs/info on wealth/income
Blame the Poor, Blame the Unions
"Did the Poor Create teh Financial Collapse"? http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/johnson16/English 1/2011
Trickle Down
http://nyti.ms/Against_Trickle_RFrank - 2008; economist Robert Frank argues against trickle down
http://bit.ly/Biz_Dont_Create_Jobs_Nov2010 - Truthout: "Businesses Don't Create Jobs"! So they don't need the tax cut
Bush Tax Cuts
http://bit.ly/TopTaxRates_Chart - Top marginal tax rates over time (GOOD!)
http://bit.ly/CBO_TaxCuts_Unemployment_2010-11 - CBO: tax cuts don't create jobs. (See page 18). Unemployment benefits MOST stimulative--tax cuts LEAST stimulative.
http://lat.ms/ImRich_TaxMeMore_LAT - Entrepreneur says: I need to be taxed more (LATimes, Sep 2010)
http://bit.ly/CBO_BushTaxCutsWillHurtEcon_EK - CBO dir Elmedorf says extending Bush Tax cuts will hurt economy, lower wages (Sep 2010)
http://nyti.ms/BushTaxCuts_EconGrowth_No_Nov2010 - Graphs/analysis that Bush Tax Cuts did not help growth - NYT
http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/publications/url.cfm?ID=901335 - 5 Myths about Taxes (2010 apr)
Death Taxes / Estate Tax
http://bit.ly/Estate_Taxes_Sep2010 - ThinkProgress: Republicans block bill, "family farms" lie
http://bit.ly/WarrenBuffett_EstateTax - Warren Buffett defends the estate tax
http://econ.st/EstateTaxes_FoundingFathers - The Economist/Oct2010: Founding Fathers and Adam Smith luv Death Tax
http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/publications/url.cfm?ID=901335 - 5 Myths about Taxes (2010 apr)
Republicans Deficit Strategies
http://bit.ly/Repubs_Starve_the_Beast_TNR (Strategy may backfire)http://nyti.ms/Starve_the_Beast_Krugman (Repubs refuse Deficit Commission)
Strategies for ACTUALLY Reducing the Deficit
The Pentagon / Defense Budget
http://bit.ly/PentagonBudget_and_GDP_Alternet (Oct 2010) The canard re: "defense spending as % of GDP"
The Stimulus
http://bit.ly/Stim_Working_or_Not_Analsyis (the atlantic)