- Really believes in ending Medicare as we know it
- Really believes in ending Medicaid as we know it
- Really pushed for privatizing Social Security
- Really would decimate government funding to the point of failure to perform routine operations
- Really wants to enact the biggest transfer of wealth in modern US history--from the middle-class and poor to the rich
Read more about these 5 items at the link
David Axis-of-Evil Frum (W's speechwriter) maps Ryan's Plan out for us:
Top 10 Ways Ryan Budget Hurts the Middle Class
12 Things You Should Know About Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan
(8/11/2012) http://bit.ly/R06n4x
Reading list:
Ryan and The Safety Net (Social Security, Medicare etc)
David Axis-of-Evil Frum (W's speechwriter) maps Ryan's Plan out for us:
- He's wrong to believe that today's economic problems are caused by fears of tomorrow's debts. Ryan's plan implies a promise that we can create jobs in 2013 by restraining Medicare costs after 2023. That's ideology talking, not economics.
- He's wrong to say that the US faces an imminent debt crisis. Today's big deficits are the consequence, not the cause, of the weak economy.
- He's wrong to treat the Medicare cost problem in isolation from other aspects of the healthcare cost problem. You can't force healthcare costs down generally by dealing with Medicare alone. And if you do deal with Medicare alone, you risk stranding seniors with inadequate resources as healthcare inflation continues to rage.
- He's wrong to bet the house on premium support without any certainty that it will work. We
- should test whether this idea will deliver as promised. (Calling Jim Manzi, author of the new book about the need for public-policy testing, Uncontrolled!)
- Above all: Paul Ryan is wrong, wrong, wrong to imagine that a society can deal with rising social-insurance costs while entirely exempting Republican-voting age cohorts and without asking for anything from its richest people—in fact while simultaneously delivering those people a huge tax cut.
- Read more: David Frum - What's Right and Wrong in the Ryan Plan - The Daily Beast (8/11/2012) http://bit.ly/Sa3DfV
Top 10 Ways Ryan Budget Hurts the Middle Class
- It caters to the 1 percent.
- It ends Medicare as we know it.
- It eliminates the health care safety net.
- It increases unemployment.
- It threatens our economic competitiveness.
- It showers money on Big Oil.
- It devastates Social Security.
- It shortchanges K–12 education.
- It shortchanges higher education.
- It ignores the wishes of the American people.
12 Things You Should Know About Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan
(8/11/2012) http://bit.ly/R06n4x
- Ryan embraces the extreme philosophy of Ayn Rand.
- Ryan wants to raises taxes on the middle class, cut them for millionaires.
- Ryan wants to end Medicare, replace it with a voucher system.
- Ryan thinks Social Security is a “ponzi scheme.”
- Ryan’s budget would result in 4.1 million lost jobs in 2 years.
- Ryan wants to eliminate Pell Grants for more more than 1 million students.
- Ryan supports $40 billion in subsides for big oil.
- Ryan has ownership stakes in companies that benefit from oil subsidies .
- Ryan claimed Romneycare has led to “rationing and benefit cuts.”
- Ryan believes that Romneycare is “not that dissimilar to Obamacare.”
- Ryan accused generals of lying about their support for Obama’s military budget.
- Ryan co-sponsored a “personhood” amendment, an extreme anti-abortion measure.
Reading list:
- Reaganomics creator, David Stockman - Paul Ryan’s Fairy-Tale Budget Plan - NYTimes.com (8/13/2012) http://nyti.ms/QyEPNh
- Thirty years of Republican apostasy — a once grand party’s embrace of the welfare state, the warfare state and the Wall Street-coddling bailout state — have crippled the engines of capitalism and buried us in debt.
- Five Things to Know about Paul Ryan's Plan: The Public has little idea how radical Romney's VP pick is. Here's what you need to know about his vision for the country. - The American Prospect (8/13/2012) http://bit.ly/SeEcdd
- Jonathan Chait - The Legendary Paul Ryan -- New York Magazine - (4/29/2012) http://bit.ly/JUhKqt
- Ryan Lizza - Paul Ryan’s Influence on the G.O.P. : The New Yorker (8/6/2012) http://nyr.kr/PmBOyL
- 3 Key Takeaways from New Yorker Ryan Profile: Paul Ryan was called ‘long shot’ VP pick by New Yorker magazine | TPM2012 - http://bit.ly/QQyKQv
- Digby: The New Yorker’s Terrifying Profile of Ayn Rand-loving Paul Ryan | Alternet (8/6/2012) - http://bit.ly/NjFsLV
- RT @devbost: Ryan's foreign policy credentials incl horking $350 bottles of imported Pinot Noir at French restaurants http://j.mp/OROOxP #p2
- RT @Karoli: Paul Ryan booed at town hall meeting http://crooksandliars.com/susie-madrak/rep-paul-ryan-booed-town-hall-meeting
- RT @DRTucker: Paul Ryan, Big Oil, and the Environment http://wp.me/prxko-40C via @dfarbe
His Economic Plan: Stinks
- Ed.: Paul Ryan’s Cramped Vision - NYTimes.com (8/11/2012) http://nyti.ms/Nhkelx
- A candidate of no details — I’ll cut the budget but no need to explain just how — has named a vice-presidential running mate, Paul Ryan, whose vision is filled with endless columns of minus signs. Voters will now be able to see with painful clarity just what the Republican Party has in store for them.
- Romney and Ryan, Back to the Failed Top-Down Policies which Crashed our Economy | FreakOutNation (8/11/2012)- http://bit.ly/MRMBRD
- Public Opinion Snapshot: A Preview of Public Opinion on the New Ryan Budget (8/12/2012) http://bit.ly/NsdeP9
- the Kaiser Foundation recently asked the public whether “Medicare should continue as it is today, with the government guaranteeing seniors health insurance and making sure that everyone gets the same defined set of benefits” or “Medicare should be changed to a system in which the government would guarantee each senior a fixed amount of money to put toward health insurance. Seniors would purchase that coverage either from traditional Medicare or from a list of private health plans.” By an overwhelming 70-25 margin the public chose the former option, which is traditional Medicare, over the Ryan plan’s premium support model.
- Mr. Ryan responded that he was helping the poor by eliminating their dependence on the government. And yet he has failed to explain how he would make them self-sufficient — how, in fact, a radical transformation of government would magically turn around an economy that is starving for assistance. At a time when state and local government layoffs are the principal factor in unemployment, the Ryan budget would cut aid to desperate governments by at least 20 percent, far below historical levels, on top of other cuts to mass transit and highway spending.
- Those are the kinds of reductions voters of all income levels would actually feel. People might nod their heads at Mr. Romney’s nostrums of smaller government, but they are likely to feel quite different when they realize Mr. Ryan plans to take away their new sewage treatment plant, the asphalt for their streets, and the replacements for retiring police officers and firefighters.
- All of this will be accompanied, of course, by even greater tax giveaways to the rich, and extravagant benefits to powerful military contractors. Business leaders will be granted their wish for severely diminished watchdogs over the environment, mine safety and food quality.
- Krugman blog: Galt / Gekko 2012 - NYTimes.com (8/11/2012) http://nyti.ms/MRL8up
- Center for American Progress: Top 10 Ways the Ryan Budget Hurts the Middle Class - (3/21/2012) http://bit.ly/QQBEVu
- Wendell Potter - OPINION: Rep. Ryan's budget plan is a "Path to the Poorhouse" | iWatch News by The Center for Public Integrity (8/11/2012) http://bit.ly/QQyp08
- Paul Ryan's Multiple Unicorns - NYTimes.com - Krugman (4/6/2011) http://nyti.ms/eFWGKg
- Yes, Fox News: Fox News: Fact Check: Ryan budget plan doesn't actually slash the budget and plan benefits wealthy more than others (8/14/2012) http://fxn.ws/Nzlhvz (in case they change it, I grabbed a screen shot: http://bit.ly/MwiQdC
- truthdogg - Why do we pretend the Ryan budget was ever about deficit reduction? (8/11/2012) http://bit.ly/ScY2FL
- Ezra Klein - Paul Ryan isn’t a deficit hawk. He’s a conservative reformer. (8/11/2012) http://wapo.st/MRLnWv
- The National Memo » Paul Ryan’s Five Worst Bush/Cheney-Era Blunders (8/14/2012) http://bit.ly/Pj9bIs
- 8/11/2012: RT @Unillustrated: Where was Paul Ryan when Bush was losing our surplus and destroying our economy? Oh yeah, Voting with Bush 97% of the time. #HesQualified?
- RT @MHarrisPerry: Ryan's Roadmap:"The Federal Gov't's current fiscal path is unsustainable" Ok,but he voted for Bush tax cuts & Iraq war which set the path. (8/11/2012)
- If you see an article calling Paul Ryan a "deficit hawk," you're seeing lazy reporting in action. http://tmblr.co/Z7nPFxREAU08
- Paul Ryan, Team Player | The American Conservative - http://bit.ly/QQRHTi
- Ryan’s worst votes during the Bush years weren’t really the acts of an apostate, but an affirmation of his partisan loyalty.
- RT @thinkprogress: Fox News pundits wonder if Republicans can defend ‘tax cuts for the wealthy’ with Ryan on the ticket http://thkpr.gs/Qpnd6
- Ilyse Hogue - Why Ryan pick won't help Romney - CNN.com (8/13/2012) http://bit.ly/NyXDff
- 10 Reasons Paul Ryan is Worse for Romney than Palin was for McCain | Eclectablog (8/12/2012) http://bit.ly/ScXOi3
- LOLGOP: The National Memo » Mitt Romney Heaves A ‘Hail Mary’ To Paul Ryan, Surrenders To The Far Right (8/11/2012) http://bit.ly/RIYDTJ
- Former Bush Official: Paul Ryan An “Unfortunate Pick” « Alan Colmes' Liberaland (8/11/2012) http://bit.ly/MRLFg4
- The Triumph of Ryanmania | The American Conservative (8/11/2012) http://bit.ly/QQQoUq
- In the end, Romney gravitated to the one person on his reported short list that would generate enthusiasm among movement conservatives, and in so doing managed to sabotage his campaign’s theme of competence and readiness.
- Daily Kos: Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: Ryan? Really? - (8/1/2012) http://bit.ly/QQOB1B
- Paul Ryan: The Romney Running Mate The Right-Wing Media Demanded | Blog | Media Matters for America - (8/11/2012) http://bit.ly/RBtnV2
- RT @MotherJones: "Romney, the onetime moderate GOP governor of a blue state, is marching in lockstep with the tea party parade." http://mojo.ly/OaxVQc (8/11/2012)
- ThinkProgress: Paul Ryan's Family Business Built On Government Contracts (8/14/2012) - http://bit.ly/Pj7NFE
- Despite the repeated mantra from the Romney-Ryan campaign that “hard-working Americans are what create jobs, not government,” Paul Ryan’s family business — for whom he briefly worked as a “marketing consultant” — was built in large part on government contracts.
- Yet in his first speech as Romney’s running-mate, Ryan joined in on the attacks on President Obama for believing that those whose businesses are successful, in part succeed because “somebody invested in roads and bridges.” Ryan proclaimed that he was “proud to stand with a man who understands what it takes to foster job creation in our economy, someone who knows from experience, that if you have a small business—you did build that.”
Ryan and The Safety Net (Social Security, Medicare etc)
- RT @MHarrisPerry: I've been thinking a lot about 1958. Why? If you were born in 1958 you are 54 years old. Ryan plan changes Medicare for those 54 & younger. (8/11/2012)
- RT @KatrinaNation: Role of government as an affirmative force for economic security will be major factor in election. Ryan would toss it in bathtub & drown it.
- Paul Ryan’s Original Medicare Plan Ends Medicare, Period http://thkpr.gs/QoXfQy
- CBO: health costs for typical 65-year-old would be almost 40% higher under R/R than under Medicare.
- A History Of Paul Ryan's Attempts To Dismantle Social Security | ThinkProgress (7/30/2012) http://bit.ly/QQPkQa
- Paul Ryan's History On Welfare Undermines Romney's Attack On Obama | ThinkProgress (8/11/2012) http://bit.ly/QQNwa0
- RT @GadflyeDOTcom: MT @SabrinaSiddiqui: Did anyone tell Mitt Romney that his running mate pushed to lower welfare work requirements? http://bit.ly/Nh74Fh
- "If Paul Ryan Knew What Poverty Was, He Wouldn't Be Giving This Speech" | Mother Jones (Catholics protest Ryan) (4/26/2012)- http://bit.ly/IuVFtR
- FLASHBACK: Republican Scott Brown says he would vote for Paul Ryan's #Medicare killing budget http://bit.ly/kExVQN
- Public Opinion Snapshot: A Preview of Public Opinion on the New Ryan Budget (8/12/2012) http://bit.ly/NsdeP9
- the Kaiser Foundation recently asked the public whether “Medicare should continue as it is today, with the government guaranteeing seniors health insurance and making sure that everyone gets the same defined set of benefits” or “Medicare should be changed to a system in which the government would guarantee each senior a fixed amount of money to put toward health insurance. Seniors would purchase that coverage either from traditional Medicare or from a list of private health plans.” By an overwhelming 70-25 margin the public chose the former option, which is traditional Medicare, over the Ryan plan’s premium support model.
- Scott Brown's tortured rejection of the voucherization of Medicare: Blue Mass Group | Republicans : Ryan’s Medicare plan :: Rats : Sinking Ship (5/2011) http://bit.ly/QQAsBi
- Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan, Two Men Who Will Destroy Poor America! by Russell Simmons | Global Grind (8/11/2012) http://bit.ly/Ogg6ST
- Blue Mass Group | On Dependency: Paul Ryan claims to oppose dependency on the federal government. (8/11/2012) http://bit.ly/MRMPbl
- Mitt Romney's VP Paul Ryan hates on 'Romneycare' highlight reel - POLITICO.com (8/2012) http://politi.co/NyWzI4
- Joan Walsh: Paul Ryan: Randian poseur: Mitt Romney couldn't have chosen a better example of the fakery at the heart of today's GOP - Salon.com (8/12/2012) http://bit.ly/OcfH0E
- RT @NewYorker: Jane Mayer on Paul Ryan and Ayn Rand: http://nyr.kr/P0Y9qe
- Bruce Bartlett: RT (8/11/2012) @BruceBartlett: 2005 speech by Paul Ryan praising Ayn Rand. http://ow.ly/cTYz8
- Digby: The New Yorker’s Terrifying Profile of Ayn Rand-loving Paul Ryan | Alternet (8/6/2012) - http://bit.ly/NjFsLV
- Jonathan Chait - Paul Ryan And Ayn Rand | The New Republic (Dec 2010) http://bit.ly/hUaUsZ
- Planned Parenthood: Ryan had 0% rating on its women's health voting scorecard; http://huff.to/N3YKUE
- RT @michelleinbklyn: You know Ryan for his fiscal conservatism. But he's also an anti-abortion absolutist, even in cases of rape and incest
- RT @gracels: http://bit.ly/PbmPx5 Ryan co-sponsored bill "To provide that human life shall be deemed to begin with fertilization."
- Ryan’s Ideology Score Most Conservative Against All Other VP Candidates Since 1900 Drawn from House and Senate | Election Law Blog (8/11/2012) http://bit.ly/QQPUNX
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