Friday, February 4, 2011

Money, Influence, Corporations, Corruption, Lobbying

Until we fix how money courses thru elections and electeds' offices, we're always going to have a government and legislation written for the interest of those w/ the most $$$ (corporations!) and not that of the American people (98% 99.5% of whom don't have terribly a lot of $$--and certainly not enough to tip the influence of corporations).

UPDATE: I've made a separate collection just for  Citizens United

It's the Money, Stupid

  • Pork Parade: Former Members Eat from Both Sides of the Trough | CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (1/26/2012) 
  • Investment and lobbying: Money and politics | The Economist (Oct 1, 2011)
    • "it seems remarkable that companies would do anything but lobby. A particularly vivid example was in 2004, when an aggressive corporate campaign prompted Congress to grant a one-off tax holiday for American companies to repatriate foreign earnings. The outright return on lobbying costs, according to one of the various studies that served as inspiration for the Strategas index, was $220 for each $1 spent."....And so THE ECONOMIST comes up with a typically Libertarian solution: "various laws have been proposed or enacted to curtail lobbying, with limited success. The most effective answer may be the most straightforward: cut government spending." I love it when Teaparty people tell me that THE ECONOMIST is left wing (it's so not).
    • The Physics of Finance: Lobbying pays off handsomely -- visual proof (9/30/2011) 
  • Lobbying Pays off for companies (1/2011): "Researchers found was a 'pretty strong correlation' between corporate political activity — lobbying and campaign donations — and a company's profit growth. 
    • Other findings include: Larger firms are more likely to be politically active. Incumbent politicians are the most frequent targets of corporate political activity. Companies that are heavily regulated by government or dependent on government contracts are more likely to be politically active. 
  • Study: Paying for lobbyists — pays off - politics - (via AP 4/9/2009)
    • "Big companies that spent hundreds of millions lobbying successfully for a tax break enacted in 2004 got a 22,000-percent return on that investment — proof that for those who can afford it, hiring a lobbyist can pay handsome dividends."
  • Charts: Wall Street Blows All Other Political Donors Away | Mother Jones (1/26/2012) 
The Long Game: Arthur Pope, Red Map, Taking over state legislatures
The Kochs
The Family / C Street
In bed with Special Interests
Get the Sunshine In!
Resisting Corporatism
Privatization, Deregulation
  • Fuzzy Privatization Math - Ellen Dannin - Truthout (Employment Policy Research Network) 3/14/2011
    • "Some people take it on faith that the private sector always does a better job for less money than government. But the most of us deciding how to provide public service is not a matter of ideology, not a team sport. We just want to solve our federal, state, and local budget problems and provide good quality services. So, for most of us, it will come as a surprise that in many cases no effort is made to show whether a private company can do government work as well as public employees."

uncategorized for now
  • Wall Street turns wrath — and cash — on Obama - Ben White - (2/2012) 
  • Koch brothers: Book Review: The Obama Hate Machine (2/13/2012) (Politicus) 
  • Chamber Starting Early Congressional Ad Blitz - (2/9/2012) (archive link, in case other link truncated) -- The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is launching a $10 million campaign Thursday to support the election of 20 mostly Republican congressional candidates, a sign that it isn't only the presidential race that could see record spending this year. Funds for the Chamber campaign come from its member firms. It is not required by law to disclose the amount of the donations or what companies provide them. The ad spending blitz will be the first installment of what is expected to be a record-breaking year for Chamber election spending, topping the $50 million spent on congressional elections in 2010. It is one of the earliest of its size in an election year and is reminder that the battle for Congress could be as fierce as the presidential race. 
  • Chamber Dropping $10 Million On 20 Races - Hotline On Call - Hotline On Call (2/9/2012) 
  • David Koch Now Gives To The U.S. Chamber Of Commerce : Republic Report (2/11/2012) 
  • Teamster Nation: Benedict Arnold Koch brothers lash out at Obama (2/11/2012) 
  • The Weakening of Nations: How Tax Work-Arounds Undermine Our Society - Eric Garland - International - The Atlantic (2/10/2012) -- Loopholes, poor regulations, and off-shore havens allow corporations and the very wealthy to draw on the benefits of a strong nation-state without fully paying back in, eroding a system that's less tested than we might think. 

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