Monday, March 21, 2011

Vote Scott Muldoon for Town Meeting

UPDATE APRIL 2012: I am linking back to this post, from here, to urge people to again vote for (Kenneth) Scott Muldoon, who has been redistricted into Precinct F for 2012.  I'm editing this post to remove the info from 2011 that would be confusing for today's vote, in 2012! 2012 ELECTION DAY: TUESDAY APRIL 10

I was very excited to hear that Scott Muldoon, our friend, Obama 08 phone bank captain, and tireless advocate for progressive causes and candidates, has decided to run for Needham Town Meeting!*

Scott's thoughtfulness and thoroughness on the issues, commitment to Needham and its citizens, will serve our town's legislative body well.

If you live in Precinct F g, or know people who do, please vote for Scott Muldoon for Town Meeting!  (If you  want to ask the candidate questions, I'm sure he won't mind me sharing his contact info (as I have done it so often before for phone banks and other activities):  email him at Scott.Muldoon(at)  I would also be very happy to try to address any questions you might have about Scott, town meeting or anything else, and help you find the info if I can't help you!

I am also hoping that Scott will be able to make it to the 3rd Ever Pre-Election Beer Party, tentatively scheduled for April 10 (Sunday) at my house (remember, it's the New Tradition:  beer party at my house on the Sunday before the Tuesday election!)

*check your precinct by entering your address at, or by looking at Needham's Precinct Map from the town website.  

1 comment:

  1. Great news! I will be happy to hold a sign for Scott. He will be a fully informed town meeting member, committed to representing precinct G and ready to discuss issues we are facing. I know he will do a great job.
    Barbara R


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