Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Local Action, Big Impact

(copy of this email)

Elections, Citizen Activists become Citizen Candidates, An Act to Invest in Our Communities (fair taxation), Beer Party


> Yes, it's time for another election cycle!  Please make sure you and your peeps are ready to vote on April 12--put it in the calendar, start noticing some of the local chatter/information about these offices.  

> We all know, local elections have the lowest turn-out--why is that?  My guess is people feel disconnected from the issues, disillusioned that their participation makes a difference, insecure that they are not adequately informed.  What do you think?

> Whatever we can do collectively, whatever I can do myself, to help increase voter confidence in turning out, feeling empowered with good information, we (the big collective we) need to turn the page on this! Please give me ideas! ...In the meanwhile, I'm putting lots of hope in the new tradition of pre-election beer party...


> Huzzahs for the Needham progressive activists and community leaders who are up for election or re-election on April 12, including some first time candidates.  Thank you for stepping up to the next level of community commitment and putting your names out there!  Everyone, take a look at their candidacies, offer to help out with your time, and if you can, send a contribution in support. They are out there--now as candidates--continuing to advocate for the issues we all have worked on together in the past!:


> If you've been paying attention to the national discourse, you'll know that the Tea Party-dominated narrative on the economy has run the gamut from "tax cuts! (social) spending cuts!" and ,"teachers are responsible for the ruin of our economy" with all the shades of nuance (eg, "let's take away reproductive rights!") in between.  ("jobs jobs jobs" is so pre Nov. 2010).

> Good news for us-- in Massachusetts, we have the opportunity to step out of this mad narrative.  We are lucky to have leaders on Beacon Hill who are putting sane fiscal policy--one that protects and nurtures our schools and services--ahead of sound bites and vote pandering.
> But even in Massachusetts, the prospects for a progressive revenue bill passing are slim without significant grassroots pressure.  Please write and call our representatives on Beacon Hill and urge them to support and advocate for "An Act to Invest in Our Communities" (HB 02261, SB 1012).  This is about our towns, our schools, our services.:
  • "Why This Matters: We are just emerging from the deepest Recession of our lifetimes.  With the end of federal stimulus funding, we have a nearly $2 Billion budget deficit.  That means our schools, Local Aid, and emergency and health care services face deep cuts this spring.  Meanwhile, wealthy investors and high-income households have had their Bush-era tax cuts extended, worsening deficits and economic inequality. 
  • We need to invest in our communities and keep middle-class families working and earning!  While there will be substantial cuts in services this year, this bill takes a balanced approach to the fiscal crisis by raising revenue to maintain the services we need and value.  By asking more from high income households and investors who received large windfalls from the Bush tax cuts, while raising the personal exemption as a way to hold down the tax increase for middle-class families, the bill raises needed revenue primarily from those who can best afford to pay.  With that revenue, we can keep the quality schools and services that make our state a good place to live and do business." (from Sen. Jamie Eldridge's webpage)
It's worth fighting for, and push we must! Please make a call and write a short personal plea.
> In Needham, contact both:
and urge them to put their strength behind this bill! (And then amplify your impact by getting 2 other people to make those calls too!).

> Outside of Needham, find your legislators here.  We NEED everyone applying grassroots pressure!  So spread the word!

> This work by you/by each of us is so important right now.  You're not hearing a lot about "An Act to Invest" in the news, in the Globe... more's the reason to reach out to legislators as their conversations and positions are still evolving. (By the time it's in the Boston Globe, the jello's already been set, methinks).  So call.  And then hand the phone to the person standing next to you.
(back to top)


> On the Sunday Before the Tuesday Election, we gather, with beer and snacks, to catch up, talk, and in the process, get ready to vote.  The more the merrier, so bring a friend, and some snacks or beer (or not!).  If you can RSVP, that would help, but don't let it stop you from coming if you didn't. 
> Sunday April 10
5PM-7PM+ drop-in
*not Tea!


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