Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Consequences and Reactions to Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell Repeal

Some notes (ongoing) on the "nightmare scenarios" predicted by opponents to DADT Repeal, and, in time, reportage on actual effects/problems/successes implementation. Please email me if you see something interesting, or post it in comments.

Reactions from Military
Homophobia in Military is a Leadership Problem
  • Richard Cohen, "Marine Corps Commandant Must Go," Washington Post, Dec 20, 2010 (in which he takes Marine Corps commander John Amos to task for the homophobic misconceptions about gay soldiers in his testimony to Senate)
    • Reactions to this type of critique from the Right: "typical Left Wing intolerance/hypocrisy--differences of opinion are not OK!"
Gays are Irresistible to Soldiers (aka Gays are Marine Kryptonite)
  • American Spectator, "DADT and Hard Empirical Evidence", John Guardino, Dec 20 2010 (in which troops are compared to sex-obsessed high schoolers and Marines are presumed to be at the mercy of the advances of flaunty gays)
"Repeal is Really Just Bringing Cultural Politics to Barracks: We Just Don't Want Gay Soldiers Flaunting their Sexuality in Our Faces"
  • I  hear this a lot in the commentariat... as if repeal were about Gays flaunting, as opposed to being about Gays being held to SAME standards as straight soldiers AND not being fired for their sexual orientation and home life.
Gays are Going to Make the Army Fabulous

- Political Cartoon, 12/20/2010

Other News/Notes
Reactions and Organizing from the Right

Monday, December 20, 2010

Welcome to the Echochamber

Jon shows how pundits get their scripts DIRECTLY FROM THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.  Kinda insane. Slide to 3:40.

America's economic recovery is good news, unless you work for a media organization whose job it is to make sure Barack Obama doesn't get re-elected.  LINKTO: http://bit.ly/zCM3DJ

"Their bias is toward sensationalism and laziness...not a liberal agenda...it's fluff..." -Jon Stewart on Chris Wallace interview; June 19 2011--all interview a great exercise in media criticism.

The Conservatives' narrative of Victimization (June 2011, Daily Show)

There is no Debunking anymore.

welcome to the Idiocracy, Egypt Edition (Feb 2011)

Facts don't matter: Motivated Reasons, emotions trump logic--there's science to it

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Meet John Boehner: Why He Cries, Why He's a Hypocrite

John Boehner will be the new Speaker of the House when they return after the new year.  He is already being known for his penchant for tears.

Great little essay about what makes him tear up--and how his voting record belies his supposed values:

The American Dream that Boehner evokes between tears has never been more threatened. By some measures, social mobility — that is, the ability of people to move up a notch in class — is at an all-time low in this country. Poor Americans now have less than a 5 percent chance of rising to the upper-middle-class within their lifetimes.
At the same time, the gap between the rich and poor, and the concentration of wealth owned by those at the very top, has never been so great. After examining these trends, The Economist wrote that “the United States risks calcifying into a European-style class-based society.”
Numerous studies have shown that what knocks people out of the middle class, or keeps them from ever joining it, is a catastrophic bill or two — usually from getting sick and not having health care. Then, those debts go on credit cards, which leads to a misery hole of high interest and limited choices.
Against this backdrop, Boehner has fought against strivers and strugglers at the lower end, while shilling for ever-more concentrated corporate power and banker control. The one thing that stirs his passion is tax cuts. But nearly half of American households don’t pay any income tax at all, so Boehner’s crusade doesn’t affect them. And a decade of aggressive tax-cutting has done nothing to reverse the woes of everyday working people.

Gail Collins also addressed John Boehner's Tears in her column last week:
Many of us first noticed his tendency toward tears when he appeared on election night to celebrate his party’s taking control of the House. He had hardly gotten in front of the microphone before things got watery.
“I spent my whole life chasing (sob) the American dream,” he told the cameras. “Put myself through school, working every rotten job there was ...”
The American Dream has had such a bad year. During the campaign, it was tossed around by billionaire candidates who insisted on telling groups of underprivileged children that they, too, could someday own a mega-yacht or run a slimy but extremely profitable health care corporation.
Now, John Boehner is blaming the Dream for making him howl like an abandoned puppy. It’s what my friend Rebecca Traister calls “Boehner doing Masterpiece Theater on the hard life of John Boehner.”
Boehner is opposed to extending unemployment benefits for the jobless, and he wants to kill off the law that guarantees health coverage to all Americans. So you know when he starts weeping when his wife says she’s “real proud” of him, it’s not a sign of softness.
In 2007, he cried while delivering a speech on the floor of the House, in support of funding for the war in Iraq. “After 3,000 of our fellow citizens died at the hands of these terrorists, when are we going to stand up and take them on?” he sobbed.
Then this year, he voted against providing money to take care of our fellow citizens who became ill while doing rescue and reclamation work at ground zero after the terrorist attack.

Here's some video footage:


On Obstruction: Time to Fix the Filibuster?

Filibustering ain't like it used to be.

  • Scott Lehigh - Who will bust the filibuster? - Opinion - The Boston Globe (6/6/2012) - http://goo.gl/upvUk
    • Conclusion time: In a polarized era, Scott Brown deserves credit for his occasional willingness to break with his party and help end filibusters. That said, given his vote against the filibuster reform package, there’s little reason to think his leadership on the issue would extend beyond his periodic personal example.
    • Warren vows that she would vote for filibuster reform. And that’s why it’s fair to say she’d play a more substantial and systemic role when it comes to fixing the broken Senate.
    • LETTER IN RESPONSE: When asked, Scott Brown ducked the issue. That speaks volumes. - The Boston Globe - http://goo.gl/Rru7c 
  • Olympia Snowe and Misdiagnosing Gridlock | The Nation (2/29/2012) http://bit.ly/zv0Xi9
    • What Allen's piece, and many similar analyses, fail to point out is that only one political party has become more extreme and more partisan in recent years: the GOP. Political science professor Keith Poole conducted acomprehensive study that plotted every Congressional vote from 1879 to 2011 along ideological axes, and found that around 1980, Republicans veered sharply right, with no corresponding leftward shift from Democrats. In 2011, the partisan Republican (the “90 percent” Republican) is almost at the limit of conservative ideology, while the partisan Democrat is much further from the leftward extreme—and has barely shifted in the past thirty years. This analysis shows what we can see to be anecdotally true every day: while the Republicans are lockstep behind privatizing Medicare, there isn’t even close to Democratic consensus that Medicare should be extended to everyone.
  • GRAPH: Republicans Responsible For Hyper-Polarization Of Congress | ThinkProgress (2/29/2012) http://bit.ly/w4TNbT --- graph shows that  Democrats have barely edged towards the left over the last 30 years, while both moderate and partisan House Republicans have veered way off to the extreme right.
  • President Obama Calls Out Mike Lee's Scorched Earth Obstructionism | ThinkProgress (1/30/
  • CNN ignored evidence of GOP obstructionism, allowed McConnell to attack Dems | Media Matters for America (2007) 
  • Post Partisan Depression (1/30/2012) 
Some notes/ongoing

ARCHIVE: Actions:


    9/11 First Responders: Zadroga Bill

    UPDATE 12/22/10 3:44 PM: Zadroga bill PASSED by unanimous consent!

    [Update: Mon 12/20, 8PM: I'm hearing that Brown's offices are saying he's still opposed to the bill's funding--(in spite of the changes brokered by the indefatigable Sen. Gillibrand?)--"even though" he "supports" the bill in spirit. Given that he has just voted for a MASSIVE increase in the deficit w/ the tax bill--this reasoning cannot stand. Is Scott Brown really saying that Tax Loopholes for Foreign Corporations are more important than taking care of 9/11 First Responders? Call him. Tell him to stop dawdling: support our heroes now]

    [Update: The Zadroga bill is definitely going for another vote, before Congress closes shop] The New York Times is reporting that the Zadroga bill--which provides some financial relief and health coverage to the first responders and rescuers of 9/11/01 (many of whom are getting cancers and other serious/life-ending ailments from the toxic fumes from the fire and pile)--has gotten "new Republican support" and may be will be coming up for a vote again before this Lame Duck is over. Let's hope so.

    [UPDATE: it's coming for a vote--switch your calls to SCOTT BROWN:
    202-224-4543 ph.; Fax (202) 228-2646 (use free services on the web to fax!)]
    Please call/fax/email Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and ask him to bring the Zadroga Bill back for a vote before the lame duck ends DC Phone: 202-224-3542 - Fax: 202-224-7327 (I use http://faxzero.com to fax from the web) -

      In light of these new developments (also covered here by ABC News), I'm posting here in order to collect/organize relevant info/material on the bill, as I find it.

      12/22 interview with 9/11 First Responder Kenny Sprecht (NYC Fire Dept):

      The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
      9/11 First Responders React to the Senate Filibuster
      Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire Blog</a>The Daily Show on Facebook
      I put some other links (including Stewart's interview w/ Huckabee) on the "Lame Duck" omnibus entry.

      I'll add videos here at the end as I find them:

      Shep Smith/Fox News calling out Tom Coburn AND doing some political analysis--calls BS on Republicans' claim that it's being "jammed thru"

      Shep Smith/Fox News: Calls Out Republican Senators by Name (12/20/2010)

      Jon Stewart on Dec 9, 2010: after Republicans blocked the 9/11 Bill in Lame Duck senate... Says NO REPUBLICANS henceforth get to use 9/11 in any of their campaigning, electioneering. Really, watch!
      The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
      Lame-as-F@#k Congress
      Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook


      Friday, December 17, 2010

      URGENT: Last Legislation: Your Calls are Needed--DADT, DREAM, START

      This is the legislation (renewed once again--thanks to Sen. Harry Reid and SEn. Gillibrand) that would provide health care to the 9/11 rescue workers and first responders.  Scott Brown voted AGAINST it last week--many are very angry about this, including conservatives who support him. Please ask him to take care of these 9/11 heroes. Further info on this blog post.
      Email him thru his homepage
      Phones: Boston -- (617) 565-3170
      Washington, DC -- (202) 224-4543 FAX: (202) 228-2646 (you can use services like FaxZero.com to send free faxes from the internet!)

      Call for YES vote on START Treaty

      Update Mon 12/20 8:30 PM: START appears to have enough Republican support to pass
      Update Mon. 5:00PM: I'm hearing reports that Scott Brown is now a YES on START. Advocacy--calls and emails and spreading the word--works! 
      The obstructionist GOP has been dragging its feet on this.  All former Republican Secretaries of State support its passage.  Fmr. Pres. George H W Bush supports its passage. Reagan's baby has become the latest ploy in GOP obstructionismOverview of new START from WaPo. Condoleezza Rice and other GOP bigwigs support its ratification. On some of the latest back/forth from Republican Senators (Dec 18). MIT physicists call on Brown to pass START
      • UPDATE: As of earlier today (Mon,  Dec 20, 2010)--Brown's Boston office confirming Brown is still "UNDECIDED" on START, citing "concerns" and wanting "amendments".  Does he know better than Kissinger, Condi Rice and Fmr. Pres. Bush? Call him and tell him to support passage of NEW START treaty.

      (while you're at it--send an email to Senator John Kerry and thank him for his support of key legislation such as the above all along--not at the last minute)

      UPDATE 12/18: Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell was repealed yesterday! Brown voted for its repeal, 2x, keeping his promise this time.  DREAM Act did not move forward: with 55 votes, they could not get past the filibuster. Brown voted AGAINST Dream Act moving forward. Be sure to thank Senator Kerry for voting for both DREAM and DADT repeal.  START treaty is still coming for vote next week... GOP leadership still making noises about not supporting it. ???!!! Call Scott Brown. It's unclear where he stands.
      please call Scott Brown re: 
      - Don't Ask Don't Tell Repeal
      - DREAM Act

      The Votes are TODAY , likely before Noon, (Saturday)--please urge him to vote yes on both.
      His position on DADT seems relatively secure (but remember he pulled a fast one last week), but he has said he is opposed to DREAM Act.  Hearing from constituents is important to remind him if/when he takes votes out of step w/ his constituents.

      Notes from a Lame Duck: Misinformation, Lie of the Year, 9/11 Responders, Child-Marriage, and Second Chances at DADT and DREAM

      Some things you might have missed during the lame duck session:

      *LIE* of the Year: "Government Takeover of Health Care"
      The GOP has been beating this drum--that "Obamacare" is a "government takeover of health care".  Politifact examines the claim--widely, widely used by Republicans--and finds it worth to be the lie of the year. A lie we have heard a lot of from Scott Brown, on the campaign trail and after.

      START Treaty: still up in the air
      Reagan's baby has become the latest ploy in GOP obstructionismOverview of new START from WaPo. Condoleezza Rice and other GOP bigwigs support its ratification. On some of the latest back/forth from Republican Senators (Dec 18).

      Zadroga / 9/11 First Responders' Health Bill (more at this entry)
      Republican Senators--including Scott Brown--voted AGAINST providing medical care for 9/11 First Responders--many of whom are dying of cancers/diseases from breathing the toxic fumes from the World Trade Center rubble. Only Jon Stewart--the comedian with the fake news program--is sufficiently outraged about this. Watch:
      The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
      9/11 First Responders React to the Senate Filibuster
      Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

      Child-marriage Act (S 987)
       A bill to work against child-marriage world wide was victim of the Culture Wars, when Republican congressmen succumbed to the (untrue) Rumor that the bill MIGHT "really" be about abortion.

      Bernie Sanders and the Tax Bill
       What happens when a progressive champion actually argues--actually makes the case--for the little guy?  When you can, make sure you review highlights from Senator Bernie Sanders's (I-VT) "filibuster" against the Obama-GOP tax cut compromise.  It is inspiring!
      (Links forthcoming)

      Study Shows that TV News Viewers Misinformed--Fox Viewers Most Misinformed
      Well, now it's quantifiable. Read the summary of the findings, and also look at the study itself. You can also download the Full Report and Survey Questions/Methodology (PDFs).  The section "A Note on the Question of What is “True”" is a very interesting read--page 3 of the Full Report.

      Jon Stewart gets to some of this in his interview with Mike Huckabee, in which Stewart takes Fox to task for their silence on the Zadroga bill (from top of this blog post):
      The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
      Mike Huckabee
      Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire Blog</a>The Daily Show on Facebook

       And just in case you need further reason to smack your head...Fox head instructed its reporters/anchors to discredit climate science.

      In case you thought  misinformation didn't have real world impact...
      The new Freshman Congress is going to spend its energy--un-greening the Capitol. Really. It's Reagan and the solar panels all over again.

      Friday, December 10, 2010

      Things that are More Important to GOP than Bonus Tax Cuts for the Wealthiest 2% of Americans

      Republicans have been VERY CLEAR that they will not pass any legislation til bonus tax cuts for income over $1 million is passed first.

      Here is a list of things that NOT more important to GOP than Bonus Tax cuts for the Wealthy:

      (in progress)
      Not Relief for Seniors.
      Not honoring and providing for 9/11 first responders.
      Not justice and equality in the military.
      Not a responsible nuclear future.
      Not middle class tax cuts--or even tax cuts for income under $1 million. 
      Not the unemployed in a deadly economy.
      Not immigration reform that would cut our deficit.
      Not the deficit and debt.

      Jon Stewart again gets it right--watch.
      The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
      Lame-as-F@#k Congress
      Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

      The Tax Cut Deal: Obama Plays Ball in Republicans' Game

      I've been asked by some people about my position on the tax cut deal struck between Obama and the Republicans earlier this week.  I haven't said anything to the group yet because I am really truly ambivalent about what I think we should do next.

      Off the bat, let's be clear: I think the tax cut deal is bad, very bad. I think the people on the left who are trying to make a case for it as a stimulus are trying their best to make lemons into lemonade, but they are essentially arguing for the GOP economic ethos:  trickle-down economics... Which 30 years have shown *do not work*.

      The question for me, now, as a liberal who supports the president and understands that we need to protect the presidency from a President Palin...or Brown...in 2012, is whether or not I put energy behind defending/helping pass thru a bill that I think stinks... Or do I put my energy in the risky maneuver of trying to leverage Democratic opposition to the deal into tweaking it for improvements--and not least of all, to get Obama/Democrats to find a different way to engage with the Republicans--who have shown themselves to be nothing but hijackeers (and are plain and proud about it!).

      In the end, I DO think that the President's tax deal WILL pass.  The question is how to be productive in this space/time of anger/opposition/dismay/rebellion.

      Some Analysis:
      From The Economist: How Stimulative are Tax Cuts for the Wealthiest 2%? (Not very--close to nil)
      "Supply Side Economics, Tea Party Style"

      Thursday, December 9, 2010

      Scott Brown the Flip-Flopper Votes Against Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell Repeal -- After Saying He'd Vote For it

      The Defense Authorization bill, which contains the Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell repeal, was BLOCKED from moving forward in the Senate earlier today. It failed by three votes.

      JUST SIX DAYS AGO, Brown said he'd support repeal,--but when it came time to make a hard call assert his vaunted "independence" and vote for something overwhelmingly supported by MA voters--Senator Scott Brown voted AGAINST. Let him know your disappointment in this cowardly vote.

      I will update this post with relevant links/info later.
      (more links/info on Brown, here)

      Scott Brown looks out for Scott Brown, not Massachusetts.
      Or soldiers.  Or 9/11 responders.  Or the unemployed.  Or the middle-class.  Or Labor.  Or seniors.

      Blue Mass Group discussion on Brown's failure of spine and independence.

      Senator Lieberman (I-CT) and Senator Collins (R-ME) have said they will sponsor a STANDALONE "DADT repeal" bill, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said she will bring it for a vote on the House floor.

      Sounds promising... but cautious about being too hopeful... Don't know how many procedural hurdles predoom it, but I like that it's happening!

      Wednesday, December 8, 2010

      the DREAM Act: Some quick info

      Updates AFTER failed to pass 12/2010:
      Update 12/17: ANOTHER Senate vote on DREAM Act will be tomorrow. Please call BROWN. He has said he is a "NO" vote. He needs to hear from us.
      DREAM act gives a very narrowly defined group of illegal immigrants ---people who were brought here (illegally) by their parents and have spent their whole lives here -- a path to citizenship, through education and military service. As it stands, there is no channel for these betwixt/between people to become citizens.

      Information sheets about DREAM act (FAQ/common misconceptions) - CLICK HERE
      Politifact fact-checks the attacks on DREAM. 
      It is widely supported by American voters (66%)
      BONUS: it cuts the deficit! (click here)
      Even the conservative/libertarian Cato Institute sees benefits of DREAM Act! (I must add--against tide of Tea Party sentiment!)
      Texas Clergy support DREAM Act. Texas!!

      Scott Brown is on the fence about the DREAM Act (using language of support but setting himself up as being "dissatisfied" w/ the process or soemthing). [Update: Here's Brown saying it's Backdoor Amnesty, to Boston Globe]

      CALLS ARE IMPORTANT--please ring him (and Rep. Stephen Lynch--who is also listed as UNDECIDED) TODAY.

       Phones: Boston -- (617) 565-3170
      Washington, DC -- (202) 224-4543
       FAX: (202) 228-2646 (you can use services like FaxZero.com to send free faxes from the internet!)

      UPDATE:Rep. Lynch voted YES on Dream Act

      Wednesday, December 1, 2010

      Pentagon Study on the Effects of "Don't Ask Don't Tell" Repeal: Military More Mature than Congressional Republicans

      Update 12/17/10: a STANDALONE measure to repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell (intro'd by Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins) will go for vote tomorrow (Sat). Scott Brown says he'll vote for repeal. Make sure he doesn't pull a fast one--call his office and tell him you expect him to vote for passage.
      Update 12/9/10: GOP blocked DADT repeal (in the Defense Authorization bill) -- it failed passage forward by THREE VOTES.  Scott Brown--in spite of earlier saying he would vote for repeal--voted AGAINST REPEAL.  Call him and let know what you think of this shameful vote.

      The Pentagon's 9-month study on the effects of repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell" (which mandates that gays serving in the military remain closeted or be discharged) was released yesterday.  Its results were shocking--SHOCKING!!  A clear majority of soldiers see no negative effect on gay soldiers serving openly!  Wow! In 2010!

      Kidding aside it's actually really gratifying to confirm that men and women in uniform are serious and responsible, committed to their jobs and not cultural hysteria over The Gays.

      Now that that's settled--it's time to call on those (largely republican) lawmakers who have hemmed/hawed/delayed voting on DADT:  the proof is in!  It's quantified and the conclusion is clear:  repeal DADT.

      Scott Brown --surprise!-- is one of those Republican Senators who has argued that Congress can't possibly act on DADT without making sure everybody is OK with it first (because we always check with soldiers first whether orders are OK with them, right?).

      Now we have the results, Brown surely will be leading the charge on repealing DADT...right?  Let's give him a call to remind him just in case he forgot.

      John McCain is another one...Take a look (it is worth it!):

      The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
      It Gets Worse PSA
      Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorThe Daily Show on Facebook

      Marine says: "Sexuality Doesn't Matter on the Battlefield" (Dec 2010)